Swim Programs – Which is Right for You

Swim Programs – Which is Right for You

Swim Programs are they all the same? Ask yourself these 3 questions before looking for a swim school What is your goal? What do you want your swimmer to achieve during a swim program?  Fun summer activity, just the basics of water safety, or life long swimming...

Winter Pool Parties

Pool Parties Sunshine Pool Parties Rent out the Sunshine Swim Center for private pool parties any time of year.  Enjoy a winter pool party under the Sunshine Dome (November – February) We’d love to talk to you about your party. Take a quick moment to...

Classes Canceled

Sunshine Families,   We feel, for the health and safety of our staff and swimmers, it is necessary we cancel the Afternoon swim programs at Sunshine Swim Center for the remainder of the week; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  All programs held between 3:00 and...

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