Open House, April 17, 2021

Open House April 17th 2-4pm Sunshine Swim Center Open House April 17 from 2:00-4:00pm We’re just days from our open house at Sunshine Swim Center.  April 17th from 2-4pm the pool deck will be open to tour.  Learn more about our summer programs and take advantage...
Swim Team 101

Swim Team 101

Swimming is an amazing sport for children.  Competitive swimming programs provide many benefits to young athletes including self-discipline, good sportsmanship, and time management skills. Competition allows the swimmer to experience success and to learn how to treat...
Free Swim and Vendor Event

Free Swim and Vendor Event

October 25 from 4:00-7:00pm the Sunshine Swim Center is having an special event. We are welcoming up to 20 vendors to display information about their products and services at this event. Below are the details and vendor responsibilities as well as the sign-up form....

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