Elk Grove Kids Camp Full-Day Sign-Up Page

Off-Track and Summer Camps for kids 5-12 years old


Daily Activity Schedule

8:30 – Student drop off

9:00-9:45 – Indoor group activities

10:00-11:15 – Outdoor activities (hikes, trips to the park, play yard)

11:15 – Snack time (from home)

11:30-12:15 – On-site Enrichment Activities

12:30-1:00 – Lunch (from home)

1:00-3:00 – Open Swim Time (year round)

3:20 – Snack time (from home)

3:30-4:20 – Indoor/Outdoor Activities

4:30 – Latest to pick up your child

General Pricing

Full Day Rate – $65.00 / per day

Play time outside
Elk Grove Kids Camp swimming

Full Day Camp Sign Ups – Choose a week below then select which day(s) you want to attend.

July Camps – 

August Camps –

September Camps –

Questions?  Request a Call. Click Here

Half Day Sign Ups Click Here

Go to your ELK GROVE KIDS CAMP portal page Click Here

Direct number: 916-513-7015  Email:  [email protected]

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